Saturday, July 09, 2005

Copyright and Recipe Notices


I'm new to blogging. Please pepper me with comments and suggestions so I can learn this tool quickly.

I'd like to preserve all rights to whatever I write on this blog, regardless of what might have been said in the terms and conditions, to which I probably agreed but did not read, to the fullest extent of the law, which I don't know, unless, of course, I grant you permission to the contrary on a case-by-case basis. Whether or not this statement will have any effect on your behavior or its consequences or the opinion of a judge in a court of law remains to be determined. You might consider, though, that I enjoy playing Chess with the Universe!

The recipes in this blog are also intended to be copyrighted, as is the title of a forthcoming book containing them, "Cooking with Salt." Moreover, readers should be aware that these recipes were generated in our own kitchen while staring into our own refrigerator and should be regarded as suggestions for your own creations using the contents of your kitchen and your refrigerator.



Blogger Beatloaf said...

I can offer no help whatsoever regarding anything legal. I wish you all the best with that though. Actually I would like to know what you find out. I would also like to invite you to check out my blog. I too am new to this whole thing. I hope to p[ost some recipes on my site soon. I may attempt to recreate your FCS recipe. Wish me luck!

1:48 PM  

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